Add To Cart: Editors’ Picks For May

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Welcome to Add To Cart, a rundown of our editors’ most loved and used products. Discover what we’re using, wearing, applying, cooking, eating, and drinking this month! 

How is it already May? As the year is flying by, we’ve set an intention to slow down and tidy up this month. Usher in the warmer months with us – and our must-have products – in May’s edition of Add To Cart. 

A Purezero and A.OK Body Oil (from $26) Morning Routine 

“Ritualistic morning moments start with Purezero Shampoo and Conditioner. The affordable brand smells like a day at the beach, but contains zero harmful ingredients (zero sulfates, parabens, phosphates and more). The Biotin formula does contain protein, so I have stronger, softer and healthier hair. But the pièce de résistance might just be the Carbonfree® Product Certification; Purezero is the only mass market brand delivering on the mission to combat climate change through sustainable practices.

My morning continues by slathering on A.OK Body Oil (I am drawn as much to the scent as the ritual itself). Developed by the spectacular illustrator/author of I Used to Have a Plan: But Life Had Other Ideas, A.OK Body Oil is a luxurious oil rich with essential oils (chamomile, jasmine, lavender, sweet orange, among others) and skin nourishing ingredients (avocado, sunflower and grapeseed oil; Vitamin E). While creating and using the oil, Founder Alessandra Olanow found the uplifting feelings brought on led to a ‘You're OK’ mantra; I absolutely concur.” – Christine Morrison

Credit: @mayuwater 

Mayu Swirl: Enhancing Water Carafe ($159)

“For the longest time, I faced the effects of dehydration – including chronic fatigue and dry skin despite drinking nearly a gallon of water a day. I’ve learned that it’s not just how much water you drink –  but what kind of water you drink that makes a difference. My latest favorite product is Mayu’s Water Enhancing Carafe, which creates a perfect vortex that affects the physical and chemical characteristics of water as well as water's taste, odor, texture, and quality. It increases the water’s pH levels, aerates it with fresh oxygen, and purifies it of volatile compounds like Chlorine and Trihalomethanes. Learn more about the science behind the Mayu Swirl here.” –Hannah Gilges

Credit: @retreatfoods

Retreat Foods: Variety Pack ($65)

“Retreat makes adaptogenic nut butters. Each blend of nuts and superfoods is made to reduce inflammation and fight stress, all while being a delicious source of protein. I've been putting the Focus one in my breakfast smoothies, and it has me feeling full, energetic, and nourished throughout my mornings.” –Jordan White

Credit: Valyou Furniture

Valyou Furniture: Cashel Vase ($64.95)

“I'm very into these sculptural vases right now (specifically ones with faces!) They add such uniqueness to otherwise pretty standard and boring shelves without being too loud or distracting.” –Kaleigh Moore

Credit: Grace Smith

Thesis: Personalized Nootropics

“I'm a geek about adaptogens. Secretly, I'm always hoping for that final key in optimizing my productivity, enhancing my focus, and clearing any brain fog. While I've seen many ‘natural Adderall!’ supplements lauded about, Thesis is the first I've encountered that focuses on personalizing your nootropics regimen (since every brain is different), and the brand’s ingredients are clinically proven to be effective. I took a quiz and was put on a month-long trial to determine which combo was best for me, complemented by a one-on-one meeting with a wellness coach to tweak my formulation. While testing, I noticed a marked boost in my output and feeling while taking these. While I can't entirely discount a placebo effect, taking a "Confidence" pill right before an intimidating call or a "Creativity" supplement before an afternoon of strategy funneled my focus in an appealing and functional way. Overall, Thesis is an impressively intuitive and pleasing regimen, one I hope to continue.” –Grace Smith

Credit: @woodenspoonherbs

Wooden Spoon Herbs: Herbal Coffee ($38) and Light Ray ($42)

“I trust just about every product our editor and wellness junkie Zoë recommends, so I had high hopes for Wooden Spoon Herbs after she included it in TQE’s ‘Best Of’ Wellness. I am embarrassingly obsessed with this earthy, chocolate-y coffee replacement and sweet, jammy herb-and-superfood blend I drop inside. It leaves me feeling grounded and rejuvenated – it’s no wonder I bring a mug of it everywhere I go these days!” –Hallie Katz

What products do you want to see us review this month? Let us know: [email protected].

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