Can At-Home Lashes Ever Look As Natural (And Fluttery) As Salon Lash Extensions? I Tried Both To Find Out

In partnership with Lilac St. Editor’s Note: We only select and work with partners that meet our quality standards, so you can rest assured we only endorse products we believe in.

While I generally consider myself low maintenance, lashes are my thing. For some it’s a fresh spray tan, for others, highlights – but as long as my lashes are looking long and fluttery, I feel unstoppable. Over the years I’ve achieved them a number of ways: I spent my tweens on the hunt for the most dramatic mascara I could find, perfected the falsies application in college, and became a regular at my local salon once the disposable income kicked in. And then I got busy. 

When making the time – and shelling out the cash – for salon lash extensions became a chore, I was curious to find something that looked as good (because let’s be honest, salon-quality lashes look good) but didn’t require so much effort. After many hours sifting through Reddit recommendations, I emerged with one obvious fan-favorite: Lilac St. Here I’m putting the brand to the test against salon lash extensions. Welcome to another throwdown: at-home lash extensions vs. the lash salon experience. 

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Salon: While getting my lashes done at the salon doesn’t require much effort-wise from me (I am paying someone so I just have to lie there), I find the hour spent in the salon excruciating, mainly because the technician gently tapes my eyes shut as she applies extensions to each real lash – and that freaks me out. I understand that the intricacy of this is what makes the final result look so natural (and, of course, there are much worse fates to endure) but I swear time slows down when I’m there. On top of that, finding the time to schedule an appointment and stay on top of my #lashgame gets old. 

At-home: Applying extensions at home is more labor-intensive for me, but now that I have the hang of it (it took several tries to get here), it’s a quick ten minute activity. Lilac St. sent me everything I needed in the Deluxe Starter Kit, so all I have to do is: clean my lashes, apply the glue, adhere the lashes to my waterline (this part is important – and different from falsies), then fuse and seal them. Whatever frustration you’re envisioning – cut it in half. This application is shockingly do-able with all of the tips and tricks and accouterments that come with the kit – and I love being able to do it on my own time (and quickly!).

Winner: At-home

All the tools I need!


Salon: On average, my salon lashes would last me about a month. Caring for them included avoiding water for the first couple of days after application (not ideal) and generally avoiding oil-based products. Other than that, I could do pretty much anything in them without worrying. I do want to note that over time, I noticed my natural lashes thinning out a good bit. This started a tricky cycle of wanting to continue getting extensions to make up for my lack of lashes…but also knowing that the extensions were causing this thinning. Another issue I had was in the days leading up to my fill appointment – I hate the look of having a few missing lashes, which would sometimes happen if I wasn’t super on top of my booking game, or if I was waiting for a certain day to book so I’d look my freshest for a big event (cosmetic girl math is not for the faint of heart). 

At-home: Lilac St. lashes last me a good ten days upon application, so they definitely don’t last as long as salon lashes. In those ten days, though, I really don’t hold  back: I swim, run, and sleep in them with no problems (after a few trials that did require some zhuzhing to my left-most lashes when I woke up in the morning). As with salon lashes, it’s recommended to be gentle when washing your makeup off, especially if you use an oil-based cleaner. With Lilac St., I like that I have control over when I take these lashes off – and while we’re on the topic, removing them is simple and gentle with the brand’s oil-based remover. It’s nice to have a level of control over my schedule where I’m not so dependent on an esthetician and perfectly-thought-out schedule to achieve the look I’m going for.

Winner: Tie (depends on your priorities)

I love how natural these look!


Salon: We all know professionally-applied lashes look gorgeous, flawless, stunning – all the good things. My main curiosity was if at-home lashes could come anywhere close to this gorgeousness (my expectations were admittedly low). 

At-home: I’ll let the photos do most of the talking here. There’s not a ton I can say to capture how floored I am every time I look in the mirror and realize I accomplished this…by myself? I get compliments all the time (not to brag but 💅), and I can’t count the number of jaws I’ve seen drop when I tell them they’re at home lash extensions. Reddit was right – these lashes really do look professionally-applied when done properly. 

Winner: Tie (and that’s a BFD!)

Look at the difference!


Salon: I knew I was spending a lot of money on my salon lashes – and I was honestly okay with it – but now that I’m not, I find these numbers a little quease-inducing: my initial set cost $250, and then I paid ~$100/month for a fill. 

At-home: Here’s where things really get good. The Deluxe Starter Kit is $65 ($65!!), and each set of lashes costs $11. I am saving so much money doing my own lashes – and no one (myself included if I’m being honest) can tell the difference. 

Winner: At-home

Overall winner: Lilac St.’s at-home lashes. Use code TQE15 for 15% off!

I loved this throwdown because it was probably my most-shocking to date. I expected to like Lilac St. for emergency moments – when I had a last-minute event, or to hold me over between lash appointments, but I had no clue I’d become a full blown devotee! As a self-proclaimed not DIY girlie, I couldn’t have imagined how seamless the application experience would be – nor the stunning results. If you have ever the slightest bit of interest in trying at-home lashes…do it!! And start with Lilac St.

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